The kids have been having lots of Easter fun this year. On April 19, our town had an Eater Egg Hunt at the park by our elementary school. Jared took the kids down to it and said that Koria was excited to have her picture taken with the Easter Bunny, but Kimball wouldn't have anything to do with it. I don't get it. Koria's great with the fake animals, and Kimball is with the live ones .... yet reverse that and it's the opposite. Who ever said twins were alike?

Kimball's basket was weighted down on one side by Tigger, so all of his eggs fell out of his basket as soon as he put them in, and because he was going to fast, Jared said that Kimball didn't even notice. Luckily, some other friends from the ward and preschool were there to share, especially Koria. I went into town that night and found him a better basket, as he was required to have one the next day for an Easter party at school. It was --- duh, duh, duh --- a Star Wars Yoda bucket. Awesome, right?

Here's Kimball, Kylee, Koria, Cassidy, and Libby with her big sister Kesley, after the hunt. NOTICE THAT ALL OF THOSE OTHER GIRLS NAMES END WITH AN "EEEE" SOUND AT THE END. That's because that's the way that they are spelled. That's the way that they are pronounced, just as their parents named them. On the other hand, Koria ends with an "A," and Layne ends with a silent, unpronounced "E," meaning no elongated "EEEE" sound on the end of her name. No, "Hi, I'm the next Emery County rodeo queen and I'd like my lasso now Layney. Why don't you just shove a shard of glass through my ears while you are at it?" We named her Layne. That was on purpose. I wonder what people are thinking when they call me up on the phone from some info about her or to schedule an appointment, or even others that know us, and HER, in particular. It's spelled how it's written. Simple as that.
Obviously one of our family's pet peeves. Just venting.

Kimball and Koria came home as bunnies after their preschool party. Kimball came running out of school yelling, "GET THIS STUFF OFF OF ME! I DON'T LIKE IT!" I couldn't figure out what he meant until I noticed him violently rubbing his nose to get the makeup off. "I DO NOT WANT TO BE A BUNNY, MOM!" I took it off as soon as we got home. He was pacified.