Ok, ok, I think that's enough for the day. I just had to post three more. Again, if you want to see the edited pics just of Derek and Marcie's wedding and the events of the day, check out my Flickr account instead. Hope you like.
... In case you didn't notice, we took a few pictures. I really don't have time to post all of the greats, but it's just so tempting to keep adding more and more of the fun ones! I will burn a copy of all the pics we took and saved for Derek and Marcie if you are ever interested in seeing the complete set. Might be worth a trip to their house for the night.
Well, maybe cheap shot isn't the most fitting title, but these were some of the funner pics that we captured down in Arizona for the wedding. More to come, but here's just a few of my favorites that both Jared and I took. By the way, the new pic of the chicken legs on our blog title head is another on of my favorites! Think I'll title it "The Cock Walk."
After editing some of the pics from the wedding, I decided that it would be easiest to just post the pics to my Flickr account, so the above link should take you to all of the edited pics from the wedding that we took. I will try to post some of the candid/funner shots on the blog as I get a chance.... hope you enjoy!