I decided to make homemade "Arizona Chicken Chili" tonight for dinner. Chili's good when it's been raining all day and night, when a bag of concrete mix is left out on the driveway the night before and shreds to pieces as you are trying to move into the garage and out of the wet, on a day when your twin babies decide they'd rather play with the blinds instead of take a nap .... It was good too. I love that recipe. Thanks to whoever made it up. That is to say, thanks to whoever created it but NO THANKS to whoever didn't provide a disclaimer on it stating the effects such food would have on hair, clothing, or highchairs. Should have known that the babies would love it too, that they love it so much that they'd decided to try it on for size -- literally. We were in the middle of Family Home Evening at the table tonight (focusing on manners) when Jared and I both caught a glimpse of the girl we know as Layne behind me, slathering herself up in home-cooked goodness. Luke did a much better job -- maybe he payed attention to the lesson tonight and made more of an effort to not completely demolish his meal -- but Layne? Well, she could use another lecture. Here's a look at what chili looks like in your hair, just in case you were wondering. Needless to say, tonight ended up being a bath night.

As long as they're happy I guess it's pretty good. It wouldn't be my favorite, however.
ReplyDeleteWhat a mess!!! Sure glad you have a tub. When we lived in Rexburg in the basement apartment for one year, we didn't have a tub, only the sink and we had a shower which was just located in between the kitchen and bedroom. It was a mess as water went everwhere. Wendy was 2 years old and Lance was 8 months old. Real fun!!