Luke loves to give me kisses. He's been pretty sick the last couple of days with a bad cold, his nose gushing a constant stream of fluid (in case you wanted to know). He was still willing and wanting to give me all kinds of kisses yesterday though.
We had a busy Sunday, as always. Jared had to speak yet again in another ward in the stake at 9:00, then came home to be with the two sick babies, while I took Koria and Kimball to church. I taught Gospel Doctrine, followed by substitute teaching their class as their teacher was sick. She called me up on Saturday and sounded absolutely miserable. I was supposed to help Koria give her talk for Primary that we'd prepared the night before, but a counselor in the presidency came in as I started to teach Gospel Doctrine to let me know that the times of the Primary childrens' sharing time had changed and that Koria needed help right then. Uh .... well? I tried to verbally explain to her what Koria was going to say and handed her the scriptures that we had marked. I don't know how things went, but whatever. By the way, it's much easier (or at least it was yesterday) to teach a large group of adults than it is to teach an enclosed classroom of four and five-year-olds. Here's a shout out to all you PRIMARY TEACHERS! You have much respect from the Keni.
After all the parents picked up their children, we headed home. Jared headed out to some church meetings upon our arrival. When he got back home, I took off for visiting teaching. By the time that was done, Luke and Layne were in bed and Kimball and Koria were finishing up some books with Jared. Kimball decided for the second night in a row that he didn't want to go to sleep until a couple hours after his bedtime. I spent about an hour laying by him before he zonked out.
After a couple phone calls, Jared and I attempted to watch a t.v. show, only to have me fall asleep in the middle of it.
And that, folks, is a typical Sunday for the Black family.
You guys are really devoted - way to be marathon moromons!
ReplyDeleteAnd that is your day of "rest". I don't know what your ward and Stake will do if you and Jared ever move away. You will me missed a lot.