Sunday, January 22, 2012

Snow Storm

We finally received out first big snowfall of the year yesterday! It was heavy, wet, snowman building snow, so I took the kids outside and showed them how it's done. They insisted on building a snowman or woman for each member of our family. Luke joined us after his nap. Layne slept through the whole thing. I wore my body out between the combination of running laps around the house giving the kids sled tides and shoveling our massive driveway twice! That was mixed in with cleaning the house in the morning, 7 loads of laundry, three bedsheets washed then remade, a photoshoot cd burn and delivery, a late night/early morning sickness party with Luke and Layne, and one gospel doctrine lesson on Lehi's vision of the tree of life in between. I'm glad it's Sunday today ....
Notice in the bottom picture that the snowman representing me is tipping over and falling to pieces. Sigh.

1 comment:

  1. You are amazing! It's no wonder you are falling to pieces, though - I'm glad you got some great snow. The Black Family tree looks a little white to me!
