Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Book of Mormon Party

It took us about a year and a half, but we finished reading the Book of Mormon all the way through as a family this past Saturday! We were very excited to have done it, and excited to start all over again. It has made a difference in our lives and in our children, as we have come to see their love and knowledge of the gospel grow as a result.
We told them that they could pick some fun activity to do as a celebration of their accomplishment and they opted for the slip-n-slide/pool in the back yard. It lasted all of 5 minutes, as always, but they had fun when they weren't complaining about freezing to death. I don't know how that could have happened either as the temp's been hot since we've returned from our travels.
Anyway, here's a few pics from their celebration. Koria thought she was really funny posing for me in the pool. Due to a couple holes, it could only hold about two inches of water. I seriously don't know where she gets it from ... meaning Koria, that is ....


  1. Koria is JUST LIKE HER MOM ! ! !

    I am very happy you finished the BOM and are now starting over. It is a great book and we can all learn something new every day we read from it.

  2. I LOVE THE BOOK OF MORMON. KIDS LIKE THE STORIES IN IT ALSO. I'm glad you were able to finish it. Koria doesn't fall far from the apple tree is you get my meaning.
