I don't think that I've put a picture on the blog yet of Layne's leg braces, so here they are. She had two therapists here this morning, one for vision and the other was her physical therapist. Here she is, standing up at the table with her braces on. They help stabalize her leg muscles and hold her ankles in their proper form. She's doing better all the time. Wish she was going to be walking by her birthday, but she's progressing at her own rate. Right now she really enjoys pulling herself up to the table and ripping magazines to shreds. We've resorted to putting old ESPN magazines out for her to destroy. Just doesn't feel right to let her rip the Ensign apart ....
Jared discovered this on Monday. He had the day off (24th of July in Utah is a holiday), so I drove up north to Utah Valley to do school shopping for K&K and birthday shopping for L&L. Bought a bunch of clothes for myself too, and watched Harry Potter (highly recommended -- best of the series, if you ask me). Jared manned the fort all day and I arrived home at 11 to find all well.
Tuesday night, a group of friend from the ward and I went out to eat together in Price to celebrate my birthday. We had a good time.
Jared took off for SLC early on Wednesday morning for work meetings and should get back late tonight. Busy as usual around here.
And that's our week so far.
(Here's an extra happy birthday wish to Dad on Monday too! It was great to wish you one on Skype on Sunday. We love ya!)
Lyne"s braces look like they are really helping her. Thats great you got to do some shopping for everyone.
ReplyDeleteIt's exciting to see her progress. We hope you are feeling better Layne.