I can't believe it. My pups are growing up on me. 6 didn't seem so old when I was that age. I remember longing to be older .... oh, how things change! Now we find ourselves making deals with the kids to try and convince them to not grow older and just stay the age that they are at now forever. Too bad the plan doesn't work that way.
Anyway, here are just a few pictures from the celebration of Koria and Kimball's 6th birthday. They finally decided to go with a castle cake this year, as long as they could put a few Star Wars figures on the top! We ended up helping out Jana and Kevin by picking up their kids the night before so that they could be to a tennis tournament in Cali that weekend, so we had a houseful for the festivities. After breakfast in bed -- which turned into the counter (who doesn't want to eat with their cousins on their big day for breakfast?) -- K&K headed off the school, then returned home after a short school day (bonus, right?) and opened up some gifts. We topped in off with cake, then headed up to Orem with all 8 kids. the 10 of us invaded Chuck E. Cheese's for a few hours (better known as Yucky Cheeses to Luke). Afterward, Jared dropped Jana's kids off in Ogden to spend a couple days with their dad, and I took the others shopping with some money they received for their birthdays. Great, fun, exhausting weekend, but well worth the effort.
Jared and I can not ever put into words how humbled and richly blessed we are to have our children. It's been worth every sacrifice, every heartache, every shot in the thigh and stomach and hip and every procedure and sleepless night and .... well, you get the point. These two sets of twins literally are our visible evidence each day of God's tender mercies. We love them without end. Thanks, Kimball and Koria, Luke and Layne, for making each one of your birthdays as big a deal for Jared and I as they are for you!