Monday, July 12, 2010

"To Afflict and Torment Man"

Before the Fall

... And After

I know the fall was necessary, but had Adam and Eve been familiar with weeds, they may have put off their decision a lot longer. I sure did -- the decision to weed, that is. I went on a walk around 5:30 this morning and when I returned, I hit the flower beds.. After a few hours taking care of the kids, I went back to work and here's the result. Good thing I didn't take a picture of the rest I still have yet to tackle. And by the way, I had this idea even before you did the before/after shots of the fridge, Mom. Brilliant minds think alike.


  1. I guess Adam & Eve chose to have kids and then Heavenly Father decide the kids needed something to do so they wouldn't be bored. That's when the weeds came into play.

  2. He! That was a great comment, Becky. I'm tempted to turn Luke loose out in the flower beds now. He'd probably do the best job because 1)I already know he likes the taste of dirt, and 2)he'll pull up the weeds fast than anybody else. He will never use the "B" word.

  3. As I said in one of the other comments. Luke would probably love to get into your dirt pile. Be sure to take a picture of him if you let him go. After all he is a crawling machine as Kimball would say.
