Sunday, December 12, 2010

Observations of Youth

Koria has a talent for noticing the tiniest of details. She has ever since she was a baby. She'd spot a piece of lint in the carpet across the room, and work her way toward it ... then pop it in her mouth.
The other night while Jared was reading a bedtime story to Kor and Kimb, she stopped him, pointed to the footprints on this page of the book, and asked,
"Daddy, why are those footprints going in opposite directions?"
Guess the illustrators of the book didn't count on one ultra-observant four-year-old finding all of their congruity mistakes!

One comment I have to post about from Kimball from the last week:
Kimball: "Mom, Grandma calls us her grandkids, but we're not."
Kendra: "Uh, yeah, you are. You are kids of her kids --that's what we call grandkids."
Kimball: "We're not grandkids! We're PBS kids!"
Sure sign of the fact that we no longer have cable ....


  1. Great observation Koria. I didn't notice it from the book. Ooops!

  2. I wondered about the footprints - maybe we all get a little mixed up sometimes and wonder which way we are headed???
