Friday, September 24, 2010

Some more of K&K

First day of preschool, Sept. 7th, 2010. This one's for you, Dad. This machine happens to be right outside the house of the preschool that the kids attend. Doesn't it make you jealous?

This one? It's from last year right before Thanksgiving. I decided to teach the kids about the pilgrims and the indians, and naturally, they wanted to BE the indians themselves. Can't say I blame them. That would have been my choice too. And, yeah, they are the wild kind.


  1. It looks like those twins are wating for a PEPSI to come out. Dad likes it.

    I always wanted to be the indians.

  2. Pepsi!

    What are they thinking?

    We don't want the preschoolers to learn bad habbits do we?

    I think K&K make great little Indians.
