Monday, July 11, 2011

Bates Family Reunion 2011 (cont) 2

Me, Becky, Shanell, and Wendy ... sisters

The "Made it ONE full Year" bloggers: Scott, Becky, me, and Mom

Boys with sticks and girls with poses...what could be more natural.

These two photos are available by money order, check, via credit card, debit card, or basically any form of payment you are willing to give me. I happen to think they are priceless! Nice, Lance, nice!


  1. Love the blue hair Lance - that is great!

    Kendra - can I get a copy of one of the pictures with the sisters that goes the other direction? THANKS!!!

  2. Lance is going to love these pictures of himself.
    I really like the one of you sisters. Guess next time you will have to get the "brothers" also.
