Thursday, July 28, 2011

Cleaning out the garage

We put it off every year, but yesterday I decided that I had had enough. I drove the kids into Price for the morning and we played at the Dino Adventure park there for a while before grocery shopping at Walmart. After a quick lunch, we made it back home and put Luke and Layne down for the nap. Koria, Kimball and I set to work on our garage. They helped me take everything out first, then helped me sweep it all out, pick up trash, and rearrange it all back. No before shots, sorry. Here's what it looks like now. Much better, if you ask me. Our neighbors called me up to tell me that I could come and clean their garage out too if we were bored. Uh, negative Houston.


  1. It looks good Kendra. It always makes you feel better to see things in order. We even did ours earlier this summer.

  2. Way to go guys - it looks great!
