Thursday, February 10, 2011

Creation Books Project

We actually worked on these books on Monday, but didn't finish up until Tuesday, so I'll count this as Tuesday's post. For family home evening, we've decided to focus on the lessons from the Gospel Principles manual, used to teach Relief Society and Priesthood meetings on the second and third Sundays in each month at church. Every Monday, we cover another chapter, and this week, we were on the lesson about the Creation.
The kids always like to do projects, so this is the latest one that I've come up with. We spent time going through old magazines and cutting out pictures to go along with each phase of the creation of the world. I think that they turned out great. I made one for Luke and Layne, combined, and Koria and Kimball put together their own. I put each page in a sheet protecter, then bound it together using ribbons. The kids had fun helping to teach their dad about the creation process and how the Lord did it all. We'll work on covers when we get another chance.


  1. Great idea - do you think we should do that for FHE here?

  2. Those books turned out really good. Korial showed us on Skype and it was great. I still have my book I created for my lesson on the creation. We certainly have a beautiful world to live in.
