Monday, January 31, 2011

Cupcakes on Friday Night

By the time Friday night rolled around in our household, I was ready for a break. When Jared returned from legislative meetings in SLC, we ate dinner and then I headed in to Price, ALONE, to do a bit of grocery shopping. Right before I left, we decided to give the kids all a cupcake that Jared had picked up earlier in the day. Since I wasn't here for the cleanup, I loved it. Jared said that it took quite a while to clean up the younger too, especially Layne. After all, she didn't really have a chance to enjoy one on her first birthday, so Friday night made up for it!


  1. Great pictures - I am so glad you guys got to make a mess - the food tastes tons better that way! Layne is lovin' it!

  2. You kids looked like you were really enjoying those cupcakes. Did you get some in you? They are so happy. I love the pictures.
