Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Days of Our Lives

I debated as to what I should title this post. Here's a few of the options rolling around in my head ... and Luke's crib:
Let The Poo Games Begin
What a Crappy Morning
Poo on You
Some Days Stink

You get the picture ... uh, yeah, you probably do. Not much needed to explain what Luke is covered in, is there? I finally decided to title today's entry "Days of Our Lives" in appreciation for Mom, the things she loves, and all the things a mom does. It's in reference to the fact that our lives seem to be a soap opera more of the time than not. Today's episode stinks, but he's how it all started off.
Last night wasn't our best. Jared's been sick with the cold that I passed on to him from last week, and was not able to sleep much, so he tried the recliner. Koria decided that her stomach was hurting at around 3:00 a.m. and had to lay by me through the rest of the night. Did I mention that for some reason I couldn't sleep either? Jared left early this morning to support Jana in some court hearings today in Panguitch, around the same time that Koria decided to fall asleep. Shortly after that, Kimball stumbles into the room, ready for breakfast ... with the explanation that he'd had too much to drink the night before ... and well, you know the rest of that story. While I'm getting breakfast for Kimball (and I have to say Hallelujah that he wanted Pop Tarts), I prepare sippy cups of milk to go give to the babies that I hear have now woken up.
As I enter the room, I first notice the odor (which doesn't tip me off to anything unusual in L&L's room), then see what my eyes are tricked into believing is vomit.
"Oh, great. Here we go again," is my first thought, followed by the startling realization that the flu would have been a much better alternative to the view in front of me --- yes, the picture above was snapped out of fear that no one would believe it. There he was, my happy little redhead, covered from head to toe in poo that he'd found in his diaper that he'd managed to take off sometime that morning. Not only was his body painted in brown, he'd managed to carry the artwork all over his sheet, the crib slats and frame, the clothes dresser nearby, the window blinds, and the surrounding walls.
I've been through this before, with a different set of twins, so really, this time around, after I threw Luke in the tub and stripped him down, I started to laugh. A few hours and a LOT of Clorox cleanups later, we're mostly back to normal. The smell still lingers. I don't have any desire to eat more of the chili we had for dinner last night, and I have to hurry and get the older two off to preschool.
Let the second annual Black Family Poo Games Begin!
(For your sake, I'm just posting one of the pictures of today's events)
"Like sands through the hourglass, these are the days of our lives."


  1. WOW! Mom would just call him a little _____!
    I am so sorry your day started out this crappy - I hope it got better!

  2. Poor Luke. I'm sorry you had to go through this Kendra as I remember you did with the first set also. Days of our life is mild compared to this. But their kids are rarely seen. They are always asleep or in the other room somewhere. You could have used a little "soap" about then.
