Tuesday, January 4, 2011


There are a few perks of being sick, or having a twin that is sick. Kimball, Koria, and Luke all enjoyed a popsicle early this morning .... then Koria got rid of it a few minutes later in the bathtub. Regardless, they all get the good stuff in regularity when the stomach flu comes to town.
I told them about how I used to make myself the same thing everytime I was home alone from school on a sick day. Mom would be working, so I helped myself to three main staples:
Potato Chips
Soda Pop (whatever I could find)
Then, when Mom would call to check up on me and I'd be laying on the couch enjoying "The Price Is Right," I'd milk the sympathy for all it was worth and make my voice sound as miserable as possible. Whether you were fooled or not Mom, I always enjoyed the special attention.
Here's to sick days and making the most of them!


  1. I hope you guys don't have too many more sick days ahead. You have to get better soon. I wish I had a popsicle - that sounds really good right about now. I haven't had the throwing up thing but I do have a sore throat. Hope it goes away soon.

  2. Kendra you ae such a character. I'm glad you could find something to make the sickness feel better. Hope you are well soon.
