Saturday, January 22, 2011

Extra Fiber, Tick-Tack-Toe, and Free Babysitters

Friday was packed full of activity. To begin with, Layne has discovered that she enjoys books -- eating them that is. I was doing some house-cleaning on Friday morning when I went into the back to find this book's corner gone, bits of it still lingering in my 17-month-old's mouth. Guess she needs all the fiber she can get. She's started to attack a few other books around the house too. Guess we'll have to monitor where they end up.

Jared and I were greeted by another fun surprise when we woke up. Kimball and Koria had created a three dimensional tick-tack-toe board out of their stuffed animals on Koria's bed and were in the middle of a match by 7:00 a.m. We thought that it was quite clever of them. My favorite part of the picture is not the game board though, it's the fact that Koria's already put on her black dress boots for the day and she's still in her pajamas.


  1. With twins . . . you are never bored . . . what one doesn't think up, the other does. I think it's great that Kimball and Koria can entertain each other so well.

  2. What a colorful sight. What one twin won't think up the other one will or that is how it was with my twin brothers. Twins definately have more fun. Double the fun.
